Altercation allegedly occurs in Learning Lab

Police cars and officers seen at building, Echo investigates


Malaika Bigirindavyi

Police cars sit outside the circle doors Dec. 9. Echo is looking into alleged altercations that may have led to police involvement.

Raphy Gendler

Echo’s Malaika Bigirindavyi and Mimi Fhima contributed to this report.

Updated 2 p.m. Dec. 12: Principal Scott Meyers said investigation, involving police liaison Max Peltola, into the incident is ongoing. He also said the incident is an “altercation,” not a fight. Echo will update its coverage as information, including a police report, is available.

Echo is looking into an altercation that allegedly occurred in the Learning Lab Dec. 9.

Five police cars and a fire truck were seen parked near the circle doors around 3 p.m. Students reportedly saw police officers inside the building.

On Friday afternoon, no police reports were available.