False news sources create lack of trust

Political anger taken out through media

Alec Pittman

Starting off as a simple conversation about the recent political happenings around the country these past three months, a well-intended discussion often leads to an angry argument.

Throughout the presidential campaign, both candidates used news sources and media to attack the other. The candidates made often ridiculous claims to undermine the other, most commonly false. With such wild accusations by candidates, the political sphere rapidly shifted with an emphasis on distrust of the media

According to John Oliver on “Last Week Tonight”, 62 percent of Americans get their news from social media. With sites such as Facebook and Twitter, people take in all the bias and false reporting accompanying those sites. This leads to terrible arguments over where the individual got the source, when they heard the news and if they themselves actually agree with the false information presented. The addition of social media only adds hardship when fake news remains present.

Using social media as a source to learn about politics is a heated conversation. Students quickly question one another’s credibility which then leads to a more emotional than productive discussion.

Even sites such as Google can have fake news, such as the statement that Trump won both the Electoral College and the popular vote. Although useful, search engines such as Google which are perceived as infallible can have fake news, which means fake news can be anywhere as long as people will believe it.

Worse than the false information itself, people continue to share controversial topics over social media like Twitter and Facebook. As a result of this easy access, anyone with the ability to reach these sites has the potential to be involved. People send hateful messages to one another attacking their validity based on their news site, rather than accusing the news site itself was incorrect.

The answer to solving issues like fake news isn’t to tear down their users. The real solution lies in demanding these sites to remain unbiased and accountable.

False news can be defeated, but only by working in unity to hold sources accountable. By demanding for correct information from the source itself, angry discussions between site viewers will be avoided. With proper information more abundant, newly educated viewers will be able to have an appropriate conversation in the future.