Students must form own opinions


Nietzsche Deuel

Students should develop their own political views via independent research rather than from the influence of peers.

As the election approaches, students must critically analyze all information presented to them when forming their own political opinions.

It is important for students to not unquestionably accept the views of their parents or peers, and to learn to think critically for themselves. Parents teach what they think is right but that leaves students with a limited view on the world.

First nature for children may be to believe what their parents tell them about politics, but as they grow up, it’s important they recognize the need to form opinions independently.

This generation must not blindly adopt the views of their parents. The problems that face students are not the same problems that face their parents. The generational gap is significant enough that the political views of parents don’t always align with the problems affecting this generation.

Students educating themselves on how politics affect them, compared to how they affected their parents, compared to how they affected their grandparents is incredibly important when forming a political view.

The skill of analyzing information is an important skill to have in life. Students must think critically about information given to them. They need to recognize their parents’ political views but then do their own research.

Not questioning anything is a bad habit to have and it decrease any dialogue between majority and dissenting opinions.

Students must not be afraid to disagree and be the voice of dissent. There needs to be the possibility of a discussion of these views for students.

High school is a critical point in young people’s lives. Students are exposed to many more views and opinions than ever before. They begin to see the world as more than what their parents showed them.

Students must make the decision to take these views and opinions they are presented with in high school and use them to formulate their own views on politics and the world.

The editorial board unanimously agree that students must do their own research of american politics using reliable and unbiased resources.

Websites and other resources help young people understand their views and let them know what they should do with those views.

Students should not use social media as their only resource for information about politics. There is risk of becoming misinformed or deceived when students receive all of their political information on social media sites like Twitter and Facebook.

Young people should also stay informed in the political world as a whole. Many students don’t pay attention to politics if it’s not the presidential election. The drop off of attention of politics after presidential elections causes students to be uninformed about important issues.  

Being able to evaluate information is an important skill to have in life, regardless of the situation. Students must analyze what there are being told and doing something with that.

Students need to educate themselves regardless of what they hear from their parents or anywhere else in the world. They need to do their own research so they can formulate their own political opinions and views.