Senior pursues stand-up comedy

Confidence develops through laughter


Senior Kaleb Schweizer performs a comedy set for his friends in the lunchroom Feb. 24. Schweizer performs stand up comedy at open mic events around the cities.

How did you get into comedy?
When I was a kid I always loved to make people happy. I still do, and the main way I found I could do that was comedy.

How was your humor developed over the years?
As I grew older I learned the difference between comedy and straight joke telling, and that comedy comes naturally. As I learned that, I realized how the smallest thing that happens can be turned into a comedy set.

How long have you been doing comedy?
I can’t really remember how long I’ve been doing it. I’ve always been doing comedy, but when I started doing performances, it was freshman year. My family showed me an ad and brought me to an event where I could tell my jokes.

How do you practice comedy?
Currently, I practice my comedy by testing my sets and stories on my friends and family. They are my supporters when it comes to comedy.

How has performing comedy impacted your personality?

I would say that comedy has definitely made me more of a confident person overall, as well as made me more sociable. I was a really shy kid, but that has started to go away since I started performing.

Where do you preform?I usually try to find places that have open mic nights for aspiring comedians. I have mostly done it at coffee shops that advertised in the newspaper or online.

Who has ben the biggest influence on your comedy career thus far?

I would say my biggest influences are my friends. They have been there for me since I started. They aren’t afraid to tell me what worked or didn’t work in terms of a comedy bit. I would say that they are how I got the confidence to begin performing.

How has preforming comedy impacted your personality?

I would say that comedy has definitely made me more of a confident person overall, as well as made me more sociable. I was a really shy kid, but that has started to go away since I started performing.

What are some of your favorite topics to do sets about?

Some of my favorite topics currently are politics, the presidency specifically, or anything that is relevant with society.

Do you have a favorite comedian you look up to?

I look up to a number of people when it comes to comedians. My favorite ones I would have to say are Jim Gaffigan, Louis C.K., Gabriel Iglesias and Jeff Dunham. These guys, I guess, showed me life is where comedy truly comes from. Even though life is cruel, we can make it hilarious if met with the right attitude.