Tyler Eoff
Minneapolis film festival kicked off their second week April 20. The event lasted until the last week of April.
During the month of April, Minneapolis hosted a film festival.The Minneapolis film festival is at an old theater that shows films every couple of months. If I had to rate my experience out of 10 stars, I would give it five stars. The films weren’t that entertaining and the environment was gross. My favorite film was about a man who robbed a bank 23 years ago. He was practically thought to be a myth around town — similar to a fairytale. Then, these kids got invested in the real story about the robber, so they did research and found out who he was. My least favorite film was about a grandma who was at a grocery store and as she was grabbing some vegetables, she ran into an old family friend. The film then just plays flashbacks of her life until they get to the present again.
I enjoyed the plot of the first film. It was very entertaining and fun. I would have made it a little bit longer of a film, but overall I enjoyed it and would go again to see films like that. What I disliked about the other films is that they seemed almost put together at the last minute and a lot of stuff wasn’t making sense — the story was confusing.
The Minneapolis Film Festival was advertised for older people and not really for high schoolers — it wasn’t very appealing. All of the decorations and designs were very old and not modern. The vibe was very calm and mello and when I talked, I felt like I was the only person talking. There was also trash all over the place and it wasn’t clean or inviting. The people were just ignoring the environment. In addition, they were food and drinks but they were overpriced and of cheap quality.
There weren’t really any other forms of entertainment for before or after the films.There was a little bit of displays for the poster of the movies but nothing crazy. I felt there could’ve been something else. There was a whole bunch of unused space. Moving forward, I would like souvenirs from each of the movies or something tangible to keep the memory.
If you’re a Park student trying to get involved with the film festival, you should probably do your research on the films to have a better perspective on the movies. I feel if I would have looked at what the movies were about I would have liked them more. To get more involved I would just generally just go there often to really get used to it and really check out the environment for yourself.
Overall it was an alright experience and I probably wouldn’t go again. I would suggest you do something before or after doing just to add to the experience. I feel like it would be a cool place to calm your nerves and get away but if you’re looking for a fun or exciting experience it’s probably not it.