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Yeat dropped yet another huge album, “Aftërlyfe” on Feb. 24. He definitely feeds his fans the right amount of songs and releases his music at the right dates. His previous album was called “Lyfe,” and I find it very creative that Yeat named his current album “Aftërlyfe.” Yeat has been an underground rapper for as long as I can remember. His music is usually known in social media because of his catchy tunes. Yeat’s lyrics can be hard to understand but once you play it over you can hear what he has to say.
“Aftërlyfe” has exactly 22 songs — it’s a very huge album and many fans were waiting overnight for it to drop. “Aftërlyfe” features artists like Kranky Kranky, YoungBoy Never Broke Again and Luh Geeky. Two of these artists are underground rappers.
Starting off with “No morë talk,” this song has similar vibes as his previous songs. I feel like since it’s the first song on the tracklist, it’s a transition to show he’s made another album. The beats are so catchy and the lyrics go by fast.
Number six on the tracklist, “Woa…!” starts off with a Japanese girl talking as an ad lib and throughout the song you can hear her saying something in the background. In “Woa…!” you’re able to hear a lot of his ad libs, because usually his rapping gets in the way of listeners who want to hear the ad libs. Yeat’s ad libs never seem to disappoint, he always puts them in at the right time.
“Split” is trending everywhere — TikTok, Snapchat, you name it. It’s number 14 on the tracklist and this song is known for the way he doesn’t take a breath for a long time. He continuously raps without a breath and all fans or nonfans are blown away with this talent. The song itself is so catchy, with lyrics such as, “I want Bently, I want money.”
Number 21 on the tracklist of Aftërlyfe, “Dëmon tied” always takes my breath away with Yeats talent. This song is just like the name, because if you hear the ad libs and him rapping you can catch him repeating what he’s saying, in a very demonic tone. He‘s making sure the theme of the name goes with the song.
Last song in the tracklist, “Mysëlf,” is a great way to wrap up the album, playing rock-like music and in the lyrics he’s talking about life as a whole. The music on this track is soothing to hear. With the intro of the song saying, “talking ‘bout life, dreams,” it seems like the message of the song is talking about how he made it as a rapper. Removing the title as an “underground rapper” is seemingly life changing for him.
Overall, “Aftërlyfe” as a whole is such a great album because of how each song has its own story and how quick his fans are to show support by streaming his album everywhere on any platform.
“Aftërlyfe:” ★★★★★