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Scottish singer-songwriter Lewis Capaldi released his new album called “Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent” on May 19. This is Capaldi’s second album and it hit every note that it needed to hit.
With a total of 12 songs, it gives everything you love from this young aspiring musician. His new-age pop, blue-eyed music gets into your feelings and your heart. After hearing the album’s title, I thought it was pretty similar to his last album, “Divinely Uninspired to a Hellish Extent,” since they both seemed to have the same topic in the title. I wasn’t completely wrong. Both had somewhat of the same tone but with different musical notes.
But hey, who ever said the same was bad? Judging by the fact that the album is already outselling the rest of the official top 20 albums right now combined and is set to reach number one, it is a force to be reckoned with. This album is currently outperforming the rest and is just great in general, so here are some of my favorite songs from the album.
“Forget Me” is the first song on the album, and it starts the album off strong. It gives you the typical pop vibe while still adding Capaldi’s twist on the song. It sets the tone for the album and its upbeat vibe. The song is more fluid than his other songs, and he relies more on the flow of the music than normal which is interesting to listen to.
“Love The Hell Out Of You” is my personal favorite. In this song, Lewis Capaldi really demonstrates the power of his voice and for me it stands out from the rest. Everything from the tone to the instruments in the background is pleasing to hear. The lyrics really give you the feeling of love and heaven. It feels like this song resembles the title of the album. This song stands out to me because of the notes that are used in the song and how he puts a lot of emotion in the song.
“The Pretender” is definitely a special song from the album. This song has a different vibe from the rest. Instead of the song being really heartfelt, it’s more triumphant. The song is smooth and really catchy. The lyrics are also really interesting like when he sings “I’m the pretender what can I tell ya designed to deceive” Yet he mentions more human things when he sings “I spend almost all of my time feeling like i’m falling even farther behind”. I loved this one because of how unique it is from the others.
These three songs are just some of the many songs on “Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent.” This album overall seems to go deeper into Capaldi’s mental health. A lot of it is about the struggles he seemed to have in the past. Capaldi is famously known as the ‘king of heartbreak,’ and a lot of the songs in the album relate to his most famous song “Someone You Loved.” If you’re willing to dive deeper into Lewis Capaldi’s mental health, there is a recently-released Netflix documentary called “Lewis Capaldi: How I’m Feeling Now.” This represents the mental state Capaldi is in through his life and during the making of this album.
“Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent” was a great album that delivered more Lewis Capaldi music that people have been craving. I am taking a star off because, although the album had banger songs, I felt while listening to it that the topics in each song were very opposed to each other, making the whole album a little weird. But the quality, symbolism and feats it made in just a week is unbelievable. To put it as simply as I can, this album was heavenly.
“Broken By Desire To Be Heavenly Sent:” ★★★★✩