Students going through a rough time often seek to communicate with a peer about their situation instead of an adult, according to Natural Helpers adviser Andrew Carlson.
Carlson said Natural Helpers provides students with a place for them to talk about difficulties they might be facing with another student.
“Sometimes, perhaps, kids don’t feel comfortable going to a teacher or maybe they don’t want to talk to an adult, they fear that they may not understand what they’re going through,” Carlson said. “It’s an opportunity for the kids to be there to listen, to support.”
To recruit more members for the upcoming school year, Carlson said Natural Helpers will set up a booth in the lunchroom for next week’s activity fair where students can pick up applications if they are interested.
The group leaders will work to set up interviews after students fill out applications and turn them in, according to Carlson.
“We are going to start scheduling interviews for the last week in September, trying to get it done before Homecoming week because that week will be a little hectic,” Carlson said.
Carlson said he believes the new monthly goals will allow for students’ actions to create a more welcoming atmosphere.
“We’re really going to focus in on it this year during our monthly meetings, setting our goals to make sure that maybe this month we’re sitting with someone at lunch and maybe next month we’re introducing ourselves to 10 new people that we’ve never talked to before,” Carlson said.

“We established a meeting space for Natural Helpers, last year we did this through the counseling office and it got a little hectic,” Carlson said. “We’ve set it up with Ellen George in the media center where there will be a nice secluded spot for Natural Helpers to meet with anybody that they need to meet with.”
This year, Carlson said he hopes to have a group goal of 50 students. There are around 10 spots available for freshmen and a few left open for sophomores, juniors and seniors.
To get involved in Natural Helpers, students can visit the activities fair and pick up an application or contact Carlson.