The Senior All-Night Party occurs right after graduation for newly graduated seniors to celebrate and look ahead into their future, according to head of the Senior All Night Party committee Michele Neudecker.
Neudecker said the party is still in the works even though they have been planning since August.
“We are still in the early planning stages of the Senior All Night Party (SANP). We are forming committees of volunteer parents that want to help out for the planning and the night of the event,” Neudecker said.
According to Neudecker, inspiration comes from previous years because the party is such a long running tradition at Park.
“We have great resources from all of the years past. This has been a tradition for at least 50 years, we are able to see what worked, what didn’t work and what we need to change,” Neudecker said.
The committee relies heavily on donations from sponsors but the number of students who decide to attend influences the budget.
“Budget is going to vary depending on the donations we will receive from corporate sponsors, community donations, and of course the amount of students that will attend the event. The SANP committees plan many fundraising events throughout the year to raise money to help with the budget,” Neudecker said.
According to Neudecker, the SANP is a place for all graduates that want to celebrate their accomplishment and it is encouraged for everybody to attend.
“St. Louis Park graduates will attend the SANP immediately following graduation. The night is filled with a wide range of activities, food, entertainment and prizes,” Neudecker said. “We have the SANP to provide a place for all graduates to come together and celebrate the graduation of high school before they enjoy the next chapter of their life.”
Senior Manegbe Eben said she hopes the committee plans activities that will help students branch out, bond with people in their class and to spend time with each other.
“It’s not like we know everyone so it’d be good to have something where you can learn more about the majority of your classmates and hopefully there will be games,” Eben said.
Eben said the SANP is a way for students to connect and be together before college.
“We probably won’t see a majority of each other for a while, it gives you a chance to talk to that one person you never talk to, also to literally have fun and kind of recognize the fact that we’re grown up and it’s time to move on to another part of our lives,” Eben said.