While traveling abroad in Europe this summer, my family stuck to our pre-planned itinerary in order to maximize our time and see the sites we had selected.
On our way to the M.C Escher museum our first week in the Netherlands, we stopped to watch a Veterans Day parade. We stood among the throngs of locals who gathered by the hundreds to honor their military. Parents held their children high on their shoulders and others pushed through the crowd in order to stand next to the barricade where they could snap a perfect photo of their loved one marching.
The parade stretched for miles and miles, featuring every imaginable section of the military. Each section was led by a current serviceperson holding a sign identifying how the veterans had served. The veterans followed closely behind dressed in their uniforms, ranging from desert camouflage to colorfully decorated ribbons. Between the sections, marching bands played a variety of music.
The crowd cheered loudly for everyone in the parade and the marchers enthusiastically waved and blew kisses in return. Elderly veterans passed by in jeeps flanked by younger servicemen and women. When this occurred, the noise from the crowd escalated further in gratitude to those who devoted their lives in service. It was amazing to witness all the younger generations join together to support the people who had fought for their future. Even the tram system was paused to allow the procession to pass. The parade culminated in a giant celebration in a central park complete with musical performances, concessions, colorful booths and inflatable games for the community.
Seeing the outpouring of love and support from the community was inspiring because it was so unusual and unexpected for me. In the United States, I attend Fort Snelling and other community events to honor Veterans Day but nothing to this scale.
Though this stop in our trip was entirely unplanned, it ended up being one of the most impactful. Seeing the community rally together to support their veterans was moving to me because the entire public joined together to support and honor their veterans rather than using it as an excuse for a day off to barbecue.
Upon returning to the United States, I learned about the bombing at the Dar Al Farooq community center located in Bloomington, MN. I attended an event in show of support for their community. Hundreds of Minnesotans gathered on the field behind the community center and speakers from all faith groups and political parties spoke to condemn this event. In light of this incident and many other recent events in the United States, I have witnessed communities joining together because of hatred and violence, so it was refreshing to see a community join in celebration.
Had we not stopped to watched this parade, I would have missed a unique and influential experience. While remaining on schedule is important, sometimes spontaneous decisions are the most significant.