Claire Bargman
Jeff Cohen points out to students where his European history trip will go over spring break. He plans to go to Ireland, England and France from March 28 to April 8.
Inspired by her mom’s past travels, sophomore Alanna Franklin said she decided to go on the school Europe trip this spring to get a taste of European life for herself.
“I wanted to go on the trip because my mom went on the trip and she has lived in various countries all over Europe, including the ones we are going to visit,” Franklin said. “I want to experience the same things she did and see the different statues and historical areas in those countries.”
AP European History teacher Jeffrey Cohen said he chose this year’s trip agenda and locations because of his desire to commemorate D-Day.
“I wanted to make sure to get to London, Paris and Normandy because of its anniversary with D-Day, and one of the trips had an extra stop in Dublin, Ireland,” Cohen said. “So I thought that this would be a good itinerary.”
According to sophomore Elie Grassley, the trip is a good opportunity for students to expand their knowledge about Europe and to become more independent.
“I think it’s a really great educational and individual experience because you’re going with friends and without parents, and you’ll learn a lot,” Grassley said. “It’s just a good experience for going out in the world.”
According to
Franklin, her knowledge of European history from the class will be useful when trying to connect to the sites the group will be visiting.
“Having historical background will help me understand the meaning behind different monuments and museums we’re going to visit,” Franklin said. “We’ll be on tours, and I’ll connect with what they’re telling me to what I’ve already learned in the class.”
Cohen said traveling to Europe benefits students because they are actually exposed to things they’ve learned in class and are introduced to cultures with different viewpoints.

“I think it’s a great opportunity to put what they learn in the classroom to life and get an early experience of what international travel is all about,” Cohen said. “It broadens their horizons and it gives them a new perspective on stuff that they hear and read about in the news.”
Grassley said she can’t wait to see the famous sites and hopes to broaden her knowledge on all the countries they visit.
“I’m really excited to see all the museums and relive the history that was there,” Grassley said. “I already know a little about the places we’re going and the significance of what happened there.”
For more information on the Europe trip, go to Jeffrey Cohen’s room (C361).