Hanna Wilsey
Illustration by Hanna Wilsey
Every year, the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train makes a stop at Park on Dec. 11. Hundreds of people gather to participate in activities such as live music, photo booths and a showing of short films.
According to junior Paige Descarpentrie, the best part of the Holiday Train is spending time with friends and enjoying the holiday season and festivities.
“(My favorite part is) definitely being with my friends and having holiday joy and spirit, although I’m not really enjoying the performer,” Descarpentrie said.
According to the development director at STEP (St. Louis Park Emergency Program) Faith Mainor, they have been in collaboration with the Holiday Train for over seven years. This is their second year back after COVID-19.
“We’ve been in collaboration for seven years,” Mainor said. “The train didn’t come for a few years during COVID but made it return last year.”
According to junior Estella Hughes, this was her first time attending the Holiday Train, and she said she thought the train as a whole was pretty groovy.
“This is my first time visiting the Holiday Train, I didn’t know it existed before today so I think it’s pretty cool,” Hughes said.
According to Descarpentrie, she did not participate in any of the activities before the arrival of the Holiday Train due to her not being aware of them.
“No, I did not participate in the activities before the Holiday Train,” Descarpentrie said. “I didn’t know there were going to be activities beforehand.”
Mainor said her favorite part of the Holiday Train is that so many people came out to support the train and all the donations they received.
“My favorite part is that so many people come out, and we get a lot of donations of food for the food shelf,” Mainor said.
Hughes said she watched the Holiday Train because she was an ambassador and was told to go participate in the holiday cheer and activities.
“I went because I’m an ambassador, and they were like, ‘oh you should go to this event,’ so I did,” Hughes said.
The Holiday Train will continue its journey across the country, passing through Glenwood at the CPKC station and Alexandria at 8th Avenue E railway on Dec. 14.