Colin Faust
AP European History teacher Talia Williams helps students with an activity on Dec.13. This is her first year teaching at Park.
New this year, AP European and AP World teacher Talia Williams joins Park in their social studies department. She previously graduated from St. Olaf College and is spending her first year of teaching at Park.
Sophomore Jaylin Smith said Williams helps all of the students in her class. She said Williams is very organized, and her teaching style is well-structured so they can learn daily.
“She helps all the students every day and is always present in class, she is a very organized teacher, and we learn something new from her every day,” Smith said.
Williams said she likes working at Park and her fellow staff and students are great. She said she’s happy to be a part of a great community.
“I like working at Park. My co-teachers are awesome, and I feel lucky to be a part of such a great social studies department and the kids are great too,” Williams said.
Sophomore Presley Loberg said in Williams’ class, she gives fun and easy work, and gives the students a reasonable timeline for them to finish the work in class. She said Williams tries her best to meet every students standards.
“She makes assignments super easy and fun, she gives us plenty of time to get our work done, and she does her best to meet everyone’s standards,” Loberg said.
Smith said Williams is doing very well as a first-year teacher and is very well educated. She said Williams pushes her to be the best every day in class.
“She is doing good considering she is a first-year teacher, I feel like she knows what she is talking about. I think she is a great teacher cause she gives me a lot of resources and gives clear answers to all the questions I ask,” Smith said.
Williams said part of the reason she wanted to teach here was because of the focus on racial equality. She feels beyond welcome by the Park staff and students.
“Part of what made me want to teach here is the racial equity focus that St. Louis Park has, and I just felt welcomed by the department lead, the principals and staff in my interview,” Williams said.
Loberg said Williams puts a lot of work into her job and makes sure everyone understands the lessons given. She said something new is learned every day in Williams’ class.
“Ms. Williams is very kind and sweet. I love how she puts a lot of effort into all our lessons and daily activities. I enjoy being in her class and learning something new every day,” Loberg said.
Williams said she loves teaching social studies because it was always her favorite subject. She’s also traveled around Europe and thinks European history is very interesting.
“Social studies has always been one of my favorite classes that I took in high school so I enjoy it plus I’ve traveled around Europe quite a bit so I enjoy getting to teach European history cause it is things that I’ve seen and think are fascinating,” Williams said.