As the football team approaches the end of their season, students have said they have noticed that the parkettes have not been present at football games.
Senior Mikka Schacherer said she feels the Parkettes brought the school together to support its teams.
“They made us all rally together to support teams and bond as a school,” Schacherer said . “I’ve missed them at the sports games and pep fests.”
The parkettes said they share similar feelings about not being at football games or pep fests.
Junior Amy Gradoz said she felt the parkettes did a good job of pumping up the fans and junior Kamisha Collier agreed.
“At the football games people aren’t chanting and dancing as much,” Collier said.
The parkettes have a couple factors contributing to the end of their program. The first being their loss of a coach and secondly they lack school sponsorship.
“Our coach got pregnant and so she could not teach us anymore,” Grados said.
Collier said the ending of the program was unclear.
“We don’t have a coach and the school doesn’t sponsor us,” Collier said. “Our coaches dad was sick and she would facebook message us about practice and then wouldn’t show up.”
Eventually their coach sent a message to the team via Facebook saying that with a child on the way and her father being sick that she couldn’t coach the team anymore.