Abby Hickstein
From solving equations to discussing math problems, the math team has a wide array of skill levels to suit everyone.
Math coordinator William Tanberg said there are some things he would like to improve on from last year such as the teams placement at conference.
“We were always in the middle so I would like us to get third place position,” Tanberg said. “But the biggest thing is just that all of the students have a good time.”
Tanberg said even though practices have already started, the math team is still trying to recruit a few more members.
“We are always looking for new people, there’s no limit to our team size,” Tanberg said.
Tanberg said there’s a wide math skill variety on the team making it accessible and inviting to all.
Junior Aedan Foner said he hopes to improve his skills from last season and believes this upcoming season has a lot of potential for himself and his teammates.
“I’m looking forward to the season because there’s a lot of friends in math team and you always get to compete with other people from different schools,” Foner said.
To join, students can show up to one of their practices, then fill out an activity form provided by one of the advisers. There are no tryouts so anyone can join the team.
The math team season started October 6 and occurs at 3:15 p.m. every Monday in the learning lab.