Kaylee Chamberlain
Sophomore Sofia Roloff sorts through the trash during her lunch, a job all roots and shoots members do.
Composting at lunch is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the projects for roots and shoots.
Sophomore Kailey Delozier has been a part of the club since freshman year. She said the group is aiming to create a contemporary planting system, known as a green wall, but is being held back by a lack of funding. A green wall is a wall covered in vegetation that contains a growing medium, such as soil.
“The club is still in the process of getting our grants,” Delozier said. “We have the plans for the green wall, we’re just waiting for the funding from grants.”
Club adviser Al Wachutka said he lets students take control of the club and that the idea for the green wall was completely the students’.
“What’s important to them should be the initiatives, not what’s important to me,” Wachutka said.
Delozier said the project will be beneficial to science classrooms as well as nature enthusiasts.
“The green wall will be a good way to incorporate the environment with education,” Delozier said.
According to Wachutka, some club members will participate in third party projects this summer on their own accord.
“I know that quite a few of the students will be a part of citywide initiatives,” Wachutka said. “Some include gardening, planting, preventing the use of pesticides, and providing public spaces for edible needs.”