Eager students sit and listen to their classmates share about careers that interest them at the first medical club meeting.
Junior Ellen Schempp, who attended the meeting, said she has always had her eye on a job that involved anything medical.
“I’ve always been super interested in the medical field,” Schempp said. “I think (the medical club) will be a great exposure to it.”
Even though Schempp said she wants a job in the medical field, she does not know what specific job will peak her interest.
“I’m hoping this club will help me find what I’m most interested in and help me decide on a career,” Schempp said.

For the benefit of the student body, sophomore Maddie Turnquist said she believes this club will be a good idea.
“It is a nice way to inform people about medical stuff,” Turnquist said.
Turnquist said she sees herself doing something in the medical profession someday, either a doctor or a first responder.
With the medical club up and running, advisor Casie Budolfson, an IB Biology teacher, said she wants to help students learn about more jobs in the medical field.
“There are so many careers out there that people don’t know about in the medical field,” Budolfson said. “Everyone knows about the nurse and the doctor but there are so many other things that I want my students to know about.”
Budolfson said she is interested in everything medical because she worked a little bit in the medical field.
“I was an EMT (Emergency Medical Technician) and then I also worked in the Medical Examiner’s Office for Hennepin County as a death scene investigator,” Budolfson said.
Budolfson said she hopes to get a feel of what the students want to help keep the club flowing.
“I will hopefully get speakers in for them that they are interested in and find speakers of jobs they may not be aware of,” Budolfson said.
Budolfson said she also wants them to learn about a broad range of careers that have different education levels so then they won’t go to college for nine years.
The clubs next meeting will take place Oct. 2 before school.