Alyssa LeMay
The FCA kicks off the first meeting by listening to former NFL player Ryan Collins.
With their listening ears on, members of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes bask in the speech of their guest speaker Ryan Collins, an ex-NFL player.
During his speech, Collins talks about finding glory in suffering by using scriptures from the bible then tying it into his personal triumphs he learned to overcome with the help of God.
Sophomore Collin Perkins said he enjoyed the event and the speech that came with it.
“I had a nice time at the event and I liked what Collins was saying about leaning into struggles,” Perkins said.
Perkins said he is a brand new member to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) and plans on coming back to more meetings in the future.
“I look forward to volunteering around the community,” Perkins said.
Former girls’ basketball coach Tim Sension said he looks forward to assisting students fulfill their and religious goals simultaneously, as he takes over the role previously held by Elizabeth Yetzer.
“I know how hard it is to be an athlete in high school and to have a lot of pressures and I know how hard it is to be an athlete who is a Christian,” Sension said. “I became an adviser to help support kids whose faith plays a big role in their lives.”
Sension said he thinks the FCA kick-off event was a success, with a record number of attendance.
“We had the most members we have ever had in the past,” Sension said. “I know life is really busy right now for everybody and to even have 13 people is just phenomenal.”
Sension said he hopes to develop a group in which members can support each other and have confidence in their faith.
Senior Jessica Schmidt said helped out with the promotional aspect of the event, telling students when and where the meeting would take place.
“Tim is a big help to Mackenzie, Hannah, Anya and I and so are the other FCAs (National, Midwest and Twin Cities) who help plan and facilitate what happens at the meetings,” Schmidt said.
Schmidt said the event provided a welcomed opportunity to chat with fellow members and relax.
“It is a nice destresser after a day to be able to get together with people who share the same faith, eat food, talk and listen to people’s stories,” Schmidt said.
As a leader, Schmidt said she wants to get speakers that will intrigue people into wanting to come to the meetings.
Schmidt said the FCA has yet to schedule the next meeting, and considers holding morning bible study sessions in the near future.