Alyssa LeMay
Sophomores Megan and Collin Perkins and juniors Anya Lindell Paulson and Hannah Ellingson meet before school Jan. 19 with adviser Tim Sension to discuss what is to come for the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. The club decided to move their meetings to Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m. to increase attendance.
Junior Hannah Ellingson sits in an empty chair at the Fellowship of Christian Athletes meeting and prepares herself for a morning prayer and a discussion about the future of the club with her fellow members.
Ellingson said the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) decided to switch the days it meets because of low attendance at past meetings.
“It had been once a month on a Monday night at 7, and we’ve now decided to change it to Tuesday mornings at 8 a.m.,” Ellingson said. “This will hopefully be more convenient for people, which will increase our attendance.”
Ellingson said some strategies the club used in the past should come back to increase attendance for upcoming meetings.
“We just need to continue spreading the word by making announcements and putting up signs in school,” Ellingson said. “Also, telling our friends, teammates and classmates about it to encourage people to come and check it out.”
FCA adviser Tim Sension said the club will focus on Bible study more compared to other subjects.
“We are going to make it less FCA oriented and more bible-study oriented,” Sension said.
Sension said plans the club has for the future include adding more substance to the meetings.
“I plan on making the meetings more about what the students want,” Sension said. “They should have more substance to them.”
Sophomore Megan Perkins said she would like to see more opportunities to volunteer within the community.
“I would like to see an opportunity for giving back to the community, so a service opportunity,” Perkins said. “Also, getting more people interested. It’s a nice way to connect with other people, and have time to reflect with such busy lives.”
Perkins said she loves the idea of having more meetings so she can bond with the group better.
“Personally, I enjoy catching up with people I don’t get to see that often. It’s really fun, positive and motivating and I can’t wait to be that much more a part of the group,” Perkins said. “I also think that having more meetings will help all of us become closer, and be able to understand where we are all coming from with our opinions and experiences with sports and faith.”
The next FCA meeting will take place at 8 a.m. Feb. 23 in the old gym.