The Jewish Student Union discusses the meaning of Judaism and enlightens students on how to incorporate religion in their everyday lives, according to club president Max Segal.
“Talking about my religion is very comforting, and I think other students value talking about it with each other,” Segal said.
Adviser Tzvi Kupfer said he led the open-ended discussion on the importance and power of their religion, but allowed anyone to discuss their opinions and emotions.
“It’s important that students talk about their stance on religion inside and outside of school,” Kupfer said.
According to senior Shay Gilbert-Burke, the meeting Jan. 14 had higher student attendance than usual because it was the first meeting since before winter break.
“It’s nice to have more students come to meetings because it creates a greater dynamic between the students,” Gilbert-Burke said.
Segal said the meetings, which involve open-ended discussions, are his favorite because he likes to talk about Judaism with the other students in the club.
“I think a lot of the students felt comfortable talking about their feelings towards Judaism, and since Tzvi is such a great adviser, he made it very comforting as well,” Segal said.
Kupfer said he loves bringing positive messages to students about Judaism.
“Talking to students always makes my day better, knowing I can come talk to bright kids about Judaism and other issues pertaining to that topic,” Kupfer said.
Kupfer said he also functions as the local director for National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY), a national Jewish youth organization. He said NCSY runs JSU, with 20 clubs in Minnesota and 500 others across the country.
Kupfer said he really values JSU because it enlightens students to become more aware of their religion.
“It’s a good time to discuss anything pertaining to religion,” Kupfer said. “It’s a way for students to learn something new about themselves and others as well,” Kupfer said.
The next meeting takes place at 3:10 p.m. March 3 in room B134.