Izzi Gilbert Burke
DECA State qualifiers discuss their event at the state competition on March 6-7. Senior Jessica Schmidt, junior Sophie Kedrowski and sophomore Izzi Gilbert Burke competed at State. Nationals are April 23-26 in Nashville, TN.
Senior Jessica Schmidt stood in excitement as she observed the quality of schools competing against her at the DECA State competition.
Schmidt said she enjoyed participating in State this year because she had the opportunity to see how other schools in the area address competitions.
“My favorite part was being able to see all the kids from other schools and compete against them,” Schmidt said. “I learned how much different our school is from other DECA chapters and how each of them take it very seriously.”
According to DECA adviser Sophia Ross, three students — Schmidt, junior Sophie Kedrowski and sophomore Izzi Gilbert Burke — participated in DECA State March 6-8 at the Hyatt Hotel in Minneapolis.
“I’m proud of what the students have accomplished and to see how each of them grew and what they have learned in their events,” Ross said.
Ross said the atmosphere of State differed from districts because of the decreased number of participants and higher level of competition.
“It’s really busy and super fun. It’s a different feeling than districts because there are less people and it is more competitive,” Ross said
Schmidt said she cherishes her extended time competing in her role play and interview events and looks forward to putting all of her effort in her last events as a senior.
“I was excited to be able to move on because this is my first year competing so State gave me some extra time to compete,” Schmidt said.
Junior DECA officer Sophie Kedrowski said she competed in an advanced interview and the quick foods service market. She said applying herself this year gave her the opportunity to move on to a more competitive level.
“In State versus districts, you really get to advance your skills, go more in-depth, practice a lot more and just have a lot of fun and be competitive,” Kedrowski said. “This year I really put effort into my events and it really showed by my chance to move on to State.”