Abby Intveld
Debate team had their first competition at Lakeville South on Oct. 7. Park did not place in the competition.
Looking back on her first debate competition, freshman Liz Hodges said she did much better than she expected.
“I ended up winning more than I thought I would,” Hodges said. “I won two out of five debates.”
The first debate competition was held at Lakeville South High School Oct. 7, and the second competition was held at Maple Grove High School Oct. 14, according to debate team head coach Paul Manning.
Manning said each student competed in five 40-minute debates.
“(At) our first meet on Oct. 7, we won 11 out of 33 debates. Then a week later at our meet on Oct. 14, we won 13 out of 33 debates,” Manning said. “This is an average start and good improvement over a week.”
Freshman Erick Ericksen said he felt he improved after the first competition.
“I think I improved in terms of being able to speak clearer and make better arguments,” Ericksen said. “I’m excited to see if I improve and win more rounds (at future competitions).”
Manning said he hopes to increase the team’s record by working on creativity and listening strategies.
“We will work on listening to the core argument of what their opponent says and writing it down right away,” Manning said. “We also will need to improve on thinking creatively on our feet, which is not something taught in schools, so it will take some time.”

Hodges said she hopes the team members continue to improve together.
“(Our team) will continue to help each other and talk about
what we learned at the competitions and use all the strategies we’ve created,” Hodges said.
The next debate team competition is the Roseville Rosebowl on Oct. 27-28 at the Roseville Area High School.