Kaylee Chamberlain
Construction worker Ricardo Barber from CD Tile and Stone works on tiling the wall near the district doors.
Students have liked the new, modern look of the A wing hallway near the district doors, according to Tom Bravo. He said it’s necessary to change the materials used.
“If you look at the floor, we stripped the Terrazzo down to the first layer, what it was when they first installed it, and we buffed it up and shined it,” Bravo said. “Now instead of waxing it every year, which takes hours to do, we just have to buff it.”
Sophomore Marco Lezama said he feels it gives the school a newer look.
“I think it makes the school look more updated,” Lezama said. “It looks newer, more current and modern.”
Bravo said the walls also needed repairs.
“The walls have been there a long long time so there’s age and areas where there were loose tiles,” Bravo said. “We took that off and put in up to date modern type tiles that are durable and can be cleaned or wiped down just by a wet rag.”
Focusing on specific aspects of maintenance will also free up money, Bravo said.
“We would like to, in time, transfer it out in the high school in areas that have higher maintenance to lower the maintenance so we can focus our dollars on things that they should be focusing on,” Bravo said. “We’re trying to save money here.”
Bravo said he wants people to grasp the concept of using sustainable products.
“We’re trying to use products that are sustainable, have low maintenance and have a long duration of life in order to stretch out the dollars that we have or don’t have for the district. We’re looking at long-life products,” Bravo said. “We want to put in something that is durable.”
According to Bravo, products being used are meant to have lots of wear and require low maintenance for high use amounts.
“We’re putting in products that can take abuse, take hits and has the lowest maintenance,” Bravo said. “You want to put in something that is durable. So we’re not going to put some in hopefully that only has a short duration of life and has to be replaced.”