Alyssa LeMay
With help from counselor Barb Nelson, freshmen meet in the cafeteria to pick up their second semester schedules Feb. 1. Class registration for next year will begin the week of Feb. 15.

When sophomore Annie VanPilsum-Johnson registered for classes last year, she felt overwhelmed. However, by talking to upperclassmen and counselors, she got a better idea about what to register for based on her interests.
“Talking to people who have already taken the classes you’re interested in is really helpful,” VanPilsum-Johnson said. “I would think about how much time you are going to have to do homework next year, then based on that, take the classes you can dedicate time to.”
Sophomore Carly Livingston said the counseling department is a helpful resource for deciding which classes to take.
“Don’t be afraid to talk to your counselor if you want to change something or want to learn more about a class. They can definitely help you,” Livingston said.
According to counseling department head Barb Nelson, starting the week of Feb. 15, students will select courses.
“We will meet in a computer lab (and give a full length presentation) so they can register right away,” Nelson said.
According to Nelson, the way students register this year differs from the past.
“What we found a couple years ago was that when we used to go do in-depth classroom presentations, then bring the kids back to select classes the following week or two weeks later, they wouldn’t have put any thought into what they want to register for. Now, they have the information from the in-depth presentation fresh in their minds the day they pick classes,” Nelson said.
Senior Brandon Hanson said he thinks students should talk more about classes they choose so they know their options.
“I wish I had known about all the fun classes so I could have thought about my decisions better,” Hanson said.
Nelson said students should think about their future goals.
“Always keep in mind graduation requirements,” Nelson said. “A lot of times kids take classes because their friends do, but I think in high school you should think about the future and choose your classes based on what you’re interested in.”
Nelson said she thinks registering and presenting on the same day will prove more effective because it ensures students have the information they need right in front of them.
According to Nelson, there is a parent meeting Feb. 16 to share information and help get parents involved.
Nelson said Park TV will film the parent meeting and post it on YouTube, so if students and parents miss the meeting, they can get the information they need there.