When freshman Beck Stephens heard mayor Jake Spano seeks to better represent youth in schools, he said he thought it was a long time coming.
“The school is part of the city, so whatever it does influences the whole city,” Stephens said.
Spano said he hopes to improve communication between the City Council and the school district. According to Spano, the School Board and City Council meet to work on issues related to the city’s schools only about every 12 to 18 months.
“I’d like to see a bit more (communication) and perhaps a working group made of board (and) Council members who can tackle bigger issues on their own,” Spano said.
Senior Hibaaq Abdala said the City Council must collaborate with the School Board.
“The school is in St. Louis Park, so the (City Council and School Board) need to work together,” Abdala said.
Spano said he realizes the importance of youth involvement and participation when the City Council makes decisions.
“The City Council makes decisions every week that impact our youth, but I’m never 100 percent sure I know what kids think,” Spano said.
Spano said he supports implementing a Youth Council because it would involve students in decision-making. He said the Youth Council would attend meetings and give its opinions on issues facing the city.
“A shadow council made up of three junior high students and three high school students could read our reports, attend our study sessions and tell us just what they think,” Spano said.
According to Spano, the Council members make decisions that affect youth, and he wants to involve young people in the process.
“We make a lot of decisions,” Spano said. “We spend a lot of money on (students’) behalf.”
Spano said a Youth Council, which is not discussed in the city charter, would depend on commitment from students.
Spano also said he hopes to work toward improving racial equity. He mentioned adding an imam to the police department’s staff, which already has a chaplain and a rabbi.
Spano said he hopes to hear input from a wider population because the Council does not reflect the community.
“The big thing for me is (getting) more input from people who are traditionally not a part of our decision-making process,” Spano said. “In particular, young people and a more ethnically diverse population — one that represents the demographics of our community.”