Ayelet Prottas
Engineering teacher Mark Miller takes attendance during Park Connections Sep. 30. Distanced learning will now take place until further notice.
While many students have struggled to stay focused during distance learning, Assistant Principal Jessica Busse said the staff is creating openings on Wednesdays for people to visit in-person.
“We are opening up opportunities for kids to come into the building … The key is that students want to and that they have supervision from teachers,” Busse said. “It is kind of by teacher and by student requests currently.”
Senior Ari Braverman said for AP classes, he has to rely on the textbook because his teachers haven’t covered as much material in class.
“We have to depend more on the textbook because of (distance learning). So, the quality of education at least for that class is lacking because of the lack of synchronous classes,” Braverman said. “With only two times a week versus the old five, it’s a big difference.”
According to Principal Wendy Loberg, modified distance learning could be a chance for students and staff to expand their comfort zone and try something new.
“But, I don’t have a map for that. No one’s ever done it. This is our opportunity to try something new and make it meaningful for students,” Loberg said.
According to Busse, the time students put into education now will result in a greater output of knowledge and skills in the future.
“One of the things that I would stress to students is education is what you make of it. It always has been, but now it’s even more so,” Busse said. “If you invest a lot of time into your education, it’s going to come back to you in that time. Invest in the effort that you put in, and you’ll get out and learn a lot more.”
Braverman said this fall has been easier in comparison to last spring, as the teachers are more organized and the administration has given more guidance.
“The workload is very manageable. Last spring, it was definitely less manageable because teachers didn’t know how much work (they should give),” Braverman said. “Now, there’s a better feel for how much work you’re expected to give. It’s definitely manageable now, but last spring was a lot harder.”
Freshman Finn Baron said he would be indifferent if the school board would continue distance learning for the rest of the year.
“I’d be sad, but I could live with it for a year. I’d wish we would be able to go back,” Baron said. “I’d be understanding if we couldn’t. I wouldn’t get mad about it; it is what it is.”
In a Sept. 29 meeting, the School Board voted unanimously to postpone hybrid learning until further notice.