Owen Mccolgan
Guest speaker educated students with presentation on the danger of substance use. Barb Nelson organized an educational movie screening to teach students about being safe with drugs and alcohol Oct. 24.
There was an “Under the Influence” film showing at Park’s middle school on Oct. 17. Freshman counselor Barbara Nelson showed a film on risks and dangers of vaping, underage drinking and the addiction of cell phones and how kids don’t know the impact on their decision and the consequences of it
Nelson said she hopes the film had a great impact on the students and families.
“We had both parents and students,” Nelson said. “My hope is that the impact is greater learning to be able to understand the scope of the problem (of vaping, drinking and cell phones) and some of the ways that parents and families can give support to young people.”
According to junior Charlie Rostal, his biggest takeaway for is how people thinks its cool and don’t know the actual effects of it
“All these kids that are doing these things think it’s really cool and it’s really not,” Rostal said. ”(It’s) really hurting them and it’s a big peer pressure situation.”
Nelson said “Under the Influence” is a film meant to show the truth behind vaping and underage drinking across the U.S..
“There’s been an increase in vaping across the US, and clearly in our own high school,” Nelson said. “I think more education is suited for students and families to understand the risks and dangers and then the dangers associated with drug use, chemical use that go along with it.”
Junior Henry Berg said it’s important to know the effects of using substances at a young age.
“It’s important to learn the side effects and consequences of doing this stuff at such a young age and doing them in general,” Berg said.
Nelson said children need to learn how impactful it is on their lives and the education behind it.
“It’s just important for education, the bottom line is that they learn more and understand more about how impactful it can be in their lives,” Nelson said.