The Democratic takeover of the House of Representatives, along with several other Democratic victories across the country, gave platforms to minorities silenced by the 2016 presidential election.
It wasn’t until 1870 that the 15th amendment was passed allowing African American men to vote, followed years later by the passing of the 19th amendment in 1920 granting women the right to vote. Even with those laws set in place, numerous tactics were used to prevent people of color from voting. Watching the midterm election results roll in, I was overwhelmed with pride seeing women of color — like Ilhan Omar, Sharice Davids, and Deb Haaland — elected into positions of power that less than 100 years ago they wouldn’t have been able to vote for, let alone run.
Women continue to break new records each election. This midterm, Congress has a total of 96 women, the highest it’s ever been, according to The Washington Post. Women and people of color have overcome countless barriers, inspiring and setting an example for young people of color to one day follow in their footsteps.
Democrats now being in control of the house demonstrates a success in applying a proper system of checks and balances, and highlights the voices of women, making this midterm election one I will never forget. Knowing that four of the 95 women elected into Congress come from Minnesota adds the cherry on top to these positive election results.
Following the 2016 Presidential election, I felt hopeless and powerless. Seeing success in previously silenced minority candidates across the nation this midterm has proven the power of a single vote. Control of the house along with smaller Democratic victories in typically Republican states like Kansas and New Mexico shows hope in our country continuing in this direction.
Although the newfound divide in Congress parallels our divide as a nation, the smaller Democratic victories give me hope in bridging that gap. The midterm results are a success in diversifying our politics and give me faith in the future of our country.