The day Joseph Biden was elected President, one of my neighbors marched down the street waving an American Flag. Shortly afterward, most of my block joined her. Celebratory music blasted, people danced, laughed and screamed in delight. Even my neighbor who voted Republican in the past took part in the festivities.
The celebration is well-founded. Donald Trump caused a great deal of harm to our nation. He oppressed minorities through his actions, such as his immigration policies and through his sexist, racist and ableist comments. Regardless of one’s political party affiliation, oppression is inexcusable. Everyone deserves basic human rights, such as being with one’s family.
Furthermore, Trump has brought about thousands of deaths by prioritizing the economy over COVID-19 safety precautions. He mocked mask-wearing and rushed the opening of public places.
Since the election, Trump has filed multiple lawsuits to prevent or delay Biden’s inauguration. Trump’s campaign has not been holding up in court. His desperation to stay in office shows his selfish nature.
Biden is a major upgrade. He is more qualified for the position due to his experience as a senator and vice-president. His choice of Kamala Harris for vice-president proves he is more willing to work with women and people of color. He plans to take action against climate change.
However, Biden is by no means perfect. For instance, multiple women said they had uncomfortable interactions with him. The widespread use of the phrase “settle for Biden” expresses the sentiment many voters felt of choosing the lesser of two evils. Many voted for Biden not because they approve of him, but because he is more qualified to be the president.
It is unrealistic to expect Biden to briskly reverse all of the harm Trump caused and to undo the systemic racism and sexism that has been present in the United States since before it was founded. Therefore, it is still pertinent that we all do our best to improve our country.
The results of the election deeply divided our nation. While some celebrated, others mourned. However, I hope we can set our differences aside to work together towards a better future. The election of Biden gives me hope.