Aisha Hersi
Katie Boerboom works on ninth grade environmental science notes, Sept. 16. Boerboom has began teaching environmental science and will move on to biology.
Why did you decide to do your teaching at Park?
I actually didn’t have any choice in it; they had to place me outside of my normal school district. I’m from Marshall, MN which is a rural town in southwest Minnesota. That’s where (the school I attend is), Southwest Minnesota State University. But since my fiance works up here I needed to do a placement up here since we live together. They had looked into a few suburbs. At one point they were looking at Chaska or Shakopee but that’s kind of far so this was the closest option where I live. But I’m really happy with the choice that they made.
So far, how has your experience been observing classes?
It’s been really good, I’ve really enjoyed it. I started working more with the ninth grade. I’m hoping to start working with the Biology students later this quarter. It’s been really awesome.
What has motivated you through guiding some of these students?
Mostly just the desire to help them to do better. To do whatever I can to become a better teacher so that I can help them.
Have there been any roadblocks?
For sure. For example, I have never worked with ninth grade before. I have only worked with (grades) 10–12 in the past just doing biology content. It’s really different for me to be teaching environmental science, but it’s a really good experience.
Do you only work with Mrs. Peterson or other teachers as well?
One thing I am deciding this semester is if I want to teach high school or middle school, so I will be here with Mrs. Peterson until Thanksgiving. And then I will switch to the middle school. After this semester, I’ll kind of decide which grade level I want to work with.
What do you hope to accomplish when your (position) is over?
I’ll get my licensure. There’s a really big assessment called the EDTPA, so I have to do that, and then they’ll decide if I am fit to be a teacher. After that, I’ll apply for licensure and hopefully get a job somewhere.