Caedon Exsted
Erik Lindell talks to his peers Nov. 28. Lindell was elected student council president at Park at the beginning of the year.
Why did you want to be student council president?
I wanted to work on making sure that all the school events like the dances and PEP fests were as good and enjoyable for the students as possible.
What kinds of activities specifically have you planned for the school, and what kinds of activities will you be planning in the future for the school?
The biggest thing that we planned on student council was homecoming. We planned the dance, we decorated the dance, we got all the snacks and a few other things. We also coordinated all the dress codes, and the pep fest during homecoming.
How do planning meetings work?
It really depends on how much time we have, so for example right before the homecoming dance, we really had to put our noses to the grindstone. We all have to work hard on stuff no matter what it is. We usually break up into groups. Maybe one group would work on designing the dress codes, one group would be in charge of getting sound equipment and one group would be in charge of decorating.
Besides what the student council directly plans and what they organize, how does the student council collaborate with the school on a broader level?
The school is really important because we have to coordinate with them to make sure that we can use the gym or the auditorium or whatever space, and then also for materials like sound equipment or stuff we would need, like a volleyball net. It’s really important to have good communication between student council administration, like sports teams. Communication is really key.
What changes are you wanting to make so that the student council has more of an impact?
The most important thing that student council does is run the dances, and I think that so far this year, the homecoming dance has been better than the other ones historically in the past. We’re just trying to continue that trend of making sure that the dances are high energy and more enjoyable for students.
Do you want the student council to have any other responsibilities or impacts?
No, a danger that we want to avoid is bloat, which I think we’re doing a good job of. We don’t want the student council to have an event every week because then they would become not special.