When did you start skiing?
My first year skiing was in eighth grade. My coach was Eric Hendrickson, but now our coach is Doug Peterson who used to coach the team before Eric.
How many years have you been on varsity and why have you stuck with this team?
I have been on the team for five years and varsity for four. I have stuck with St. Louis Park Nordic because we’re a good team and I like winning.
Do you practice all year-round for skiing, if so, where?
Yes. In the summer I rollerski, bike and run at Elm Creek or Battlecreek and in the winter our team practices at Hyland or Theodore Wirth.
Do you plan on skiing in college?
I don’t know yet, but I hope so. If I go somewhere with a ski team I will end up skiing for them.
What motivates you to continue skiing?
Continually getting better. Leading the team to a state championship and hopefully I get recruited for college.
What recommendations do you have for beginner skiers?
Definitely rollerski. Rollerskiing trains the muscles used in the winter and it helps keep your endurance and strength up, as well as helping technique for skiing in the winter.
Has this year been your most successful year on the team, if so, why?
Definitely. The boys team won Mesabi and I individually won Mesabi which is the biggest high school race in the nation. I reached my goal as being ranked top five for state and also being in the position for qualifying for the junior nationals team. Boys and girls both won conference and the boys team also won sections which qualified us for going to state as a team.