How long have you played?
I’ve been playing for five years — since 2011.
What made you decide to play?
I had heard of lacrosse before and even though I was not sure how it was played, I felt like I wanted to know what this sport is.
What position do you play?
Usually, I play line attack and midfield.
Who on the team has had the biggest impact on your lacrosse career?
Out of a few people, a person who’s had a big impact on my lacrosse career is Sofia Jacobsson.
What are your goals for the season, and did you meet them?
My goals for this season was to advance in working the field and I think I achieved that.
What has lacrosse taught you?
Lacrosse has taught me to always look up. It’s taught me that I can improve even when I feel stuck around things in lacrosse I felt I could not accomplish.
What’s your favorite part about lacrosse?
My favorite part about lacrosse is the amazing bonds we build between our players. We all care for each other and help each other when we are hurt and we push each other to do our best.
What is your favorite memory from lacrosse?
My favorite memory from lacrosse is in general my first year playing in sixth grade. I remember not being able to catch or even cradle the ball. This is my favorite memory because I always look back and see how much I’ve improved.
Do you want to play lacrosse after high school?
I would like to play, but I might want to concentrate on getting my degree more.
Do you play any other sports?
No, I don’t.