William Phelan
Since the beginning of high school, I have been lifting weights. I originally got into it because of my desire to gain a competitive advantage as a nordic skier.
My coaches said that skiers hoping to compete on the varsity team need to start a weightlifting program, so I obeyed.
Initially, it was a chore. The amount of pain I was forced to undergo in order to complete workouts felt unreal. Although I had always heard the phrase ‘no pain, no gain,’ this labor seemed utterly fruitless.
However as I persisted and began to get stronger, I became more motivated. Soon, I couldn’t wait to get into the gym. The pain was still there, but I saw it in a different way. I came to realize that the more it hurt, the better I would get. Plugging in my headphones and diving into a meticulously planned workout became almost therapeutic.
As many of my friends would tell you, fitness is the most important thing in my life nowadays. The difference, however, is that I no longer lift for an athletic advantage. I lift because it is something that I am truly passionate about, and something that gives my life focus. Prioritizing healthy eating and making time for workouts every single day has taught me the value of time and how to manage it effectively.
Falling in love with lifting weights has taught me to value my body, both with how I treat it and also with what I put into it. Lifting regularly has made me more conscious of the things I eat and how my body will react to them. Reforming my diet has not only made my body look healthier, but also made me feel much better.
Most importantly, spending time in the gym has completely transformed the way I view myself. Becoming more positive about my body has helped me gain confidence, become more comfortable in social situations, and generally made me a happier person.
Committing myself so completely to getting healthier and stronger has completely changed my outlook on life. It has taught me to delay gratification, and helped me understand that things worth having take time to obtain. Attaining a physique that I am proud of has taken time, but it has unquestionably prepared me to better achieve success in other areas of my life.