According to junior captain Annie Van-Pilsum Johnson, as the new season rapidly approaches, the Nordic team prepares by roller skiing, running and circuit training.
According to sophomore skier Anika Hanson, the pre-season training has been filled with hard preparation for their first meet.
“We would work on our endurance by running to Louisiana Oaks and doing specific workouts that mimicked ski races. We’ve also had a few people roller skiing around St. Louis Park to work on technique and endurance. And when the weather wasn’t nice enough to go outside we would work on strength circuits inside the school,” Hanson said.
According to Van-Pilsum Johnson weather has gotten in the way of practice, but the team continues to work hard.
“Right now we are just conditioning. We do a lot of running, including distance, interval training and hill work. The team also does a lot of weight training, circuits, natural strength and our more experienced skiers roller ski as well,” Van-Pilsum Johnson said.
According to Hanson, roller skiing has it’s advantages and disadvantages, but overall is better to improve your form.
“I like roller skiing more because it is easier on your body and it helps me train for when there’s snow more so than running because I can work on my form so it’s easier to start skiing once there’s snow. Although on roller skis there’s always the fear of falling and going down hills is frightening,” Hanson said.
The coaches switch up the training routine depending on the day, according to Hanson.
“For example, on Sundays we’re working on endurance and the rest of the days are kind of easier. On Sundays we run 5 miles and other days we do 2 or 3 miles,” Hanson said.
According to Hanson, the training the team does improves the form and endurance of the skiers.
“We do lots of core strength, lower body stuff (and) push-ups―like a whole bunch of varieties to work your whole body. And when the weather wasn’t nice enough to go outside we would work on strength circuits inside the school,” Hanson said.
Hanson hopes even though the team is smaller, they will be able to bond more than previous years.
“Our numbers are a lot smaller this year. That’s unfortunate, but it’ll give the team more of an opportunity to bond more since it’s smaller, so I’m excited to get to know more people,” Hanson said.
Van-Pilsum Johnson said the training is going well this year, with only small hiccups.
“The only set back we’ve been running into are injuries that some people have gotten from their previous sport. But, we continue to train the same as a team and the individuals adjust the workout to fit their needs,” Van-Pilsum Johnson said.