Sadie Yarosh
Sophomore Olivia Krueger jumps on the springboard to perform her vault routine. Park gymnastics competed at Henry Sibley High School Jan. 19.
The Park girls’ gymnastics team competed against Henry Sibley High School in an invitational meet Saturday, Jan. 19.
According to head coach Dawn Thielen, the team did well despite some setbacks.
“We made a few mistakes, but overall the girls were really good at staying focused on what was next and not letting those mistakes affect them,” Thielen said.
Junior Molly Miller said the meet on Saturday was good, but could have gone better due to many injured teammates.

“It was not our best meet because we had a lot of our varsity(girls) out for injuries, so (that) impacted our score,” Miller said.
Senior Savannah Romero said the lack of gymnasts meant they did not do too well on the beam. The bars, however, were a success.
“We did pretty well on bars today,” Romero said. “Everyone’s routines were really clean, so it was fun to see that the hard work we have put into them has paid off.”
Miller said without the support from other teammates on the sidelines, it would be hard for her to compete.
“The support from the team on the sidelines is what really pushes you,” Miller said. “You know the team supports you, but when they are cheering (your) name, you know they all want you to do your best and hope you stick your routine.”
According to Romero, the team is benefiting from working on the mental aspect of gymnastics.
“We need to work on remaining calm no matter what, so we can keep our routines as clean as they are in practice, in a meet,” Romero said.
Thielen said the mistakes will be good fuel for improving.
“They are using those mistakes as learning opportunities to improve on for the next meet, and I know they will,” Thielen said.
The next meet will take place 6 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 22 at the Central Community Center.