Ayelet Prottas
Junior Paris Johnson guards the ball during a close game against Benilde- St. Margarets Monday Jan. 18. The final score of the game was 45-43 in Park's favor.
After a slow first half, Park began to pick up its intensity, leading to a victorious second half. In their game against Benilde Feb. 18, junior Paris Johnson said Park’s defense was a main reason for the successful end to the game.
“It started off a little bad. They got a big lead on us and we just couldn’t score for a long time,” Johnson said. “Later in the second half, we started picking up on the defensive end and we just started scoring on offense.”
Junior Jacob Holm said Park didn’t play its best at the beginning, but improved in the second half and was satisfied with the outcome of the game.

“First half was really bad, but the second half we definitely picked it up and we were happy we pulled off the win,” Holm said.
According to coach Rob Griffin, the team stayed positive and encouraged one another throughout the game.
“Nobody hung their head, nobody got on each other in a negative way. We picked each other up and we stayed together as a family,” Griffin said.
Johnson said in the future, the team needs to play well defensively for the entire game and prevent the opposing team from getting rebounds.
“We could’ve improved on playing better defense earlier in the game and boxing out more. Not letting them blow by us so easily,” Johnson said.
Griffin said playing Benilde is always good competition and the rivalry makes the game even more intense and enjoyable.
“It’s always fun to play against them. I don’t think there is any ill-intent behind the rivalry. It’s just a good match up every time we get to play them,” Griffin said.
Park will play its next game 7 p.m. Feb. 21 at Park against Chaska.