Used with permission from Jeff Cohen
Participants in the Europe spring break trip last year pose for a photo in Switzerland. AP European History teacher Jeff Cohen is taking students to Spain and Portugal this year.
As sophomore Amelia Huebsch prepares to go on the school trip to Europe over spring break, she said having learned more about Europe in AP European History makes this experience powerful.
“It’s a really good learning opportunity and experience. It allows you to see the places we have learned about (and) it makes it so much more real,” Huesch said. “This actually happened and we are standing right where it occurred.”
According to AP European History teacher Jeff Cohen, while in Portugal and Spain, the group will visit many key historical sites.
“We are examining the age of exploration and discovery,” Cohen said. “Portugal is the country that really launched European expansion, and then Spain played a critical role in colonizing the Americas.”
Cohen said the group will visit many locations in Spain and Portugal that correspond to the trip’s theme.
“We will go to the Alhambra, which is the Muslim palace taken over by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain,” Cohen said. “From there, they granted Columbus his charter to go to the Americas, which set off this whole European interaction with the Americas.”
Among many historical sites the group will visit, Cohen said they will visit the city of Barcelona.
“Not only will we see historical stuff, but we will see what’s going on with issue of independence for Barcelona,” Cohen said.
Huebsch said even though she has been to Spain before, she still feels excited to go on the trip.
“I think that it’s good to have a recap (of what we learned in class), and I think it will be way more interesting now that I know all the background,” Huebsch said.
Cohen said he believes one of the biggest benefits of visiting Europe is a deeper understanding of the topics learned in his class.
“Experiencing and living some of the things that we talk about in class (helps students understand the concepts),” Cohen said. “You can talk, you can show videos, you can show pictures, but once you are there, you can experience things first hand. It just gives you a whole new appreciation for the history that we are talking and learning about.”
Huebsch said the trip presents a great opportunity to immerse into a different culture.
“Even though it is expensive, it’s going to be so worth it. A lot of people have never been out of the country before, and this is a great opportunity because you have trained professionals showing you around and people who actually live there sharing stories,” Huebsch said. “I think experiencing the world can really broaden your view of everything.”
For more information about the spring break trip, students can visit EF tours or talk to Jeff Cohen in room C361.