You’ll die for Why Not’s ‘Casket’

Local band newly released single does not disappoint


fair use from ‘Why Not’

Grace Stillman

If you’re into Minnesota’s local music scene you’ve likely heard of Why Not. 

Newly released single “Casket” teases their upcoming album “Very Why Not,” and does exactly what it’s supposed to make you want more, and I do. 

For this song Why Not collaborated with Papa MBYE, it’s noticeably different from their style yet perfectly fits the tone and goal of the song. Casket is quite reminiscent of their older music which makes sense given the title of their EP. This similarity feels very purposeful, it is a song about time moving too fast, and wanting to go back to restart and relive life. 

The beat is fast, sporadic and becomes more rapid and uncontrolled as the song develops which is a beautiful contrast to the meaning of the song. Throughout the song, it switches from sounding acoustic to a more mechanical sound which can be a little distracting at some points but overall adds a unique and intriguing listening experience. 

The two most notable parts of the song are the intro and outro, or rather the extreme differences between the two. The song begins sounding very youthful and hopeful. The end of the song builds into a level of distortion and emotion that Why Not is familiar with. This distortion adds so much meaning and power to the song. The lyrics build a story as you listen which makes the transition of tone between beginning and end so impactful. 

If you’re looking to get into Minnesota’s local music scene, I highly recommend checking this song out.


Why Not ‘Casket’: ★★★★★