The imagination of time travel

Ryan Reynolds strikes again in “The Adam Project”


Fair use from Netflix

Mya Stanberry

Ryan Reynolds plays a grown up Adam Reed in “The Adam Project” released on Netflix March 11 2022, and accidentally visits his younger self in hope to find his father Louis Reed played by Mark Ruffalo (noticed in Marvel) through time travel. The film kicks off when he steals an aircraft and flies faster than the speed of light, crashes into a time where he is twelve and they meet. You might recognize the mom and dad played by Jennifer Garner and Mark Rufalo and recognized from Marvel and other popular films such as “Thirteen going on Thirty.” 

When watching the trailer, I noticed that the trailer covers the whole plot and storyline basically telling the whole film, probably because the movie is only one hour and 46 minutes.

 The film is a science fiction (sci-fi) and the movie was set in 2022 which is rare to happen in many shows or movies, it’s like if time travel was real and a 12 year old were to meet their future self.

Going into it and not knowing a lot behind what happens, just that there is time travel involved, I was interested to see how the future could work even if we aren’t there to see it

Time travel can be sad in a sense, loved ones dying and fighting for them, but loads of action and fighting makes it more interesting and engaging and the movie does go by fast. Though the magnetic force weapons add excitement to the fighting.

It seems to have some similarities to Star Wars, like the weapon that Adam uses is similar to a lightsaber and the soldiers that try to catch and kill Adam wearing armored suits resemble what a stormtrooper looked like. The characters make parallels to other movies and productions such as Star Wars, having actors who have acted together before (Garner and Ruffalo) and Back To The Future .

Although the movie was fast paced and with how short it was made it seemed like it could’ve been made into a series or just made it a little longer and added to the storyline. Otherwise the acting is great and the screenplay is good quality andthe storyline is overall great.

A good quality movie and screenwriter can mix in emotion, action and comedy within a storyline. I expected it to be good because of the sci-fi genre. I do think that it could be better if it were longer and maybe a bigger plot, and it doesn’t seem like there will be a sequel because there was no cliffhanger. In the end, it’s not my favorite but I would still definitely watch “The Adam Project” again.

“The Adam Project”: ★★★★☆