Time to conquer anxiety

Don’t let obstacles hold you back from succeeding


Sophie Yarosh

Everyone faces obstacles in their life. For me, it’s anxiety.

My anxiety became most prominent in third grade when I worried about everything. I worried about tests, dance lessons, piano recitals and daily decisions, such as what I should order at a restaurant.

When I overcame one of my worries, I felt relieved until I realized the next day would bring so many more.

As a child, my anxiety was so bad that I could no longer sleep over at my friends’ houses. I worried about sleeping in a different environment than the one I was used to.

I often tried, yet failed, to stay a full night at a friend’s without having to get picked up at 1:30 a.m. I finally gave up on trying to sleep over.

My anxiety played a big role in my social experience growing up because I wasn’t always comfortable in situations where I thought I should be. I stopped attending sleepaway camp because I was convinced I couldn’t make it three weeks away from home. My friends didn’t have these problems and I felt bad because I did.

When I was 8 years old, I messed up a note in my piano recital. From then on, I was anxious for every recital, which finally caused me to stop performing. When I stopped playing in recitals, I didn’t see a point in playing piano anymore.

In seventh grade, the night of the Homecoming football game, I stopped letting anxiety control my life, and I slept over at a friend’s house. I still remember the excitement I felt, waking up the next morning right where I fell asleep. I realized I could conquer my fears.

I started putting myself out there. That summer, I returned to camp for three weeks, and I had the best time of my life.

As I have grown older, I have become more aware of my anxiety and learned how to cope with it. I try not to let these worries interfere with my ability to live a normal life, even though I might not always succeed. I can’t get rid of my anxiety, but I’ve learned how to accept myself anyway.

I know I’m not alone — everyone struggles with anxiety at times. You can’t let it hold you back from something you want to do, because it will never define who you are.