Film club begins second year
Presidents aim for consistent meetings
Film club discusses favorite movies during its first meeting Sept. 25. The club plans to meet biweekly to watch and analyze movies.
September 27, 2017
Film club president senior Ben Romain said he was surprised to see the amount of people who showed up for film club’s first meeting Sept. 25.
“For a first group meeting, I thought it went really well. There were a lot more people than I expected to be here. I thought that was really good,” Romain said. “We got a lot of suggestions for what people want to see and do and the movies they want to watch.”
Romain said the club focuses on watching, analyzing and making films.
“Our goal for the year is hopefully to have people watch films and enjoy them and learn some new stuff that they did not know about how to make films and about what stuff (in films) mean and about directors’ visions,” Carlson said.
Film club adviser Andrew Carlson said he was impressed with how presidents Romain, senior Lukas Levin and junior Emma Kempf opened the discussion at the meeting.
“I just kind of sat back and observed. I thought the presidents did a good job on throwing out some ideas we could do with the club (and) getting some feedback from the members as to what types of film they want to watch,” Carlson said.
Senior Thomas Bryant said the presidents’ film knowledge will enhance the club experience for members.
“I like the way (the presidents) are running (the club). I think they know what they’re talking about when it comes to film,” Bryant said.
Romain said, unlike last year, the club will focus on holding biweekly meetings throughout the year in hopes to improve attendance.
“(A difference from last year is) more frequent meetings. Last year we didn’t have meetings too often. I think that will get people to come more often and have more people come,” Romain said.
Bryant said he joined film club this year to connect with friends in a new way.
“I want to be able to appreciate movies more and have something cool to do with friends,” Bryant said. “(I am looking forward to) seeing good movies I might not have seen otherwise.”
According to Romain, the presidents have not decided the next meeting date but will communicate with members through their Facebook page.