Working over holidays beneficial, rewarding

Increased positives to overtime hours ineffective


Atticus Raasch

Although widely considered a family day, holiday hours are one of the best opportunities for showing initiative and determination within the workplace. Working for a company is a test of skill and character.

Taking shifts during holidays often gains recognition from employers. Workers who are new to the job have a chance to get noticed by bosses or employers. These shifts prove work ethic and attitude, actively impressing a boss. Working these hours proves heart, dedication and commitment to one’s work, putting them a step above coworkers. This display of commitment can qualify a worker for a raise or promotion.

Money is not forgotten in the holiday work discussion. According to the United States Department of Labor, if 40 working hours are completed in a week, working holidays is considered overtime pay as usual, providing time-and-a-half pay per hour. Time-and-a-half pay grants employees with their regularly wage in addition to half of that wage. According to the Minnesota Department of Labor, by law, employers must pay time-and-a-half for holidays if you have worked more than 48 hours. However, if a 40-hour work week is not completed, businesses will often elect to pay workers time-and-a-half for the labor during holidays.

Additional money earned will help pay for everyday needs, but it can also provide incentive to celebrate the holiday on another day together. The main argument against working on holidays is that the day is meant to be set aside for family. Although important, working on holidays can create more opportunities for families.

The prospect of extra money may help fund the celebration if need be. As well as this, the holiday can be spent on a quieter day, away from the general buzz major holidays bring. Working during holidays can often result in bosses granting different days off, days that can be spent only with family, along with the satisfaction knowing others are working.

Along with creating benefits for personal families, working holiday hours is able to bring personal pride in assisting others. The holidays are a busy and stressful time, many are in search for a last minute gift, or need the holiday discounts to get items they may need. Thanksgiving actually provides lower prices on popular items than Black Friday does, according to Adobe Systems.

The responsibility falls on those working to aid the people in need on that day. The satisfaction gained from relieving customers’ stress is an amazing feeling. After all, the holidays are about giving rather than receiving.