Users neglect internet security

Facebook hacks inconvenience students


Emma Yarger

Internet security has never been a concern of mine. I use the Internet and social media freely and have never given it much thought. That is, until a message encoded with a virus was sent from my Facebook account to all of my friends on that network.

I was forced to explain to my parents, extended family and old classmates they should not open the odd message sent from my account. Messaging these people in an attempt to explain what had occurred was awkward and uncomfortable.

Not only was it embarrassing to try to explain to friends and family that my account had been hacked, it made me nervous about the security of my social media accounts.

I use Facebook to connect with groups and school clubs I participate in. I post the occasional photo from a school dance. I use the platform so casually that the risks of having an account never occured to me before I got ‘hacked.’

If it was so easy to access my account, what other information could be accessed by complete strangers? Everyone is entitled to privacy whether in real life or on the Internet. This event made me wonder whether anything truly was private.

I don’t want to worry about personal internet security every time I pick up my phone or open my laptop.

Although internet access is a privilege, I believe it should be a right, and people should not need to worry about the security of their profiles.

Unfortunately, use of Facebook and other social medias feels necessary in the world I live in. The ability to connect with people or receive updates about events has more value than online safety. This may not be very responsible, society has become dependant on media connection.

Although getting ‘hacked’ could have greater meaning, it was merely annoying to me. Because I have grown up with modern technology, I don’t understand what a privilege it is to have the Internet at my fingertips.

Due to this, the safety of having a social media presence is taken for granted, everyone should be aware of its consequences.