Robotics fundraises for upcoming year
Club sells cotton candy at community events

The robotics team sells cotton candy for its fundraiser at the St. Louis Park homecoming game Sept. 21.
October 6, 2018
Robotics captain, senior Anthony David said there are several methods the team uses to obtain funds.
“We started fundraising right at the beginning of the year and we pretty much did the same stuff we do every year: cotton candy, and we have a bunch of sponsors that send us money,” David said.
David said the money raised from selling cotton candy at the football game gives their team a competitive advantage due to the additional supplies they’re able to purchase.
“With the revenue we get from those, we can buy more materials to make the robots. I remember my first year on the team, we only had enough funds to make one robot, but ever since my sophomore year, we’ve been making two,” David said. “If we make two robots, then that other robot that we don’t pack up for competition we’re allowed to practice with until competition.”
Robotics member, sophomore Carina Lopez said she sees the fundraising efforts as a necessity despite the work they require.
“Fundraising is ok, I see it’s a daily thing. It’s not really that difficult. It takes time and effort but it’s worth it in the end,” Lopez said.
Lopez said she feels pleased with the communities response to the cotton candy selling at this year’s Homecoming football game.
“It made me kind of happy because — wow people actually care about robotics, not just sports,” Lopez said.
Freshman Pema Dolkar said she is impressed with the Robotics team’s fundraising and wants to help support it.
“I think that’s a good idea to use the student body as a source of income. I know a lot of my friends are really into engineering and robotics, so I think they’d be really happy to help fund the robotics program,” Dolkar said.