Why ‘The Office’ is so bingeable

Iconic mockumentary is impossible to stop watching

Fair use from Netflix. “The Office” is a mockumentary following the lives of ordinary people working at Dunder Mifflin. One of the things the show is known for is its ability to be binge-watched.

Tobias Khabie

A couple of summers ago, I was scrolling through Netflix and decided to start watching NBC’s “The Office,” a show I had heard many good things about. I was instantly hooked and went through all nine seasons within weeks. From then on, I found it very hard to find new shows to binge, as I always went back to watching Greg Daniel’s masterpiece of a show.

For the few who don’t know, “The Office” is a mockumentary that follows the lives of workers in a mid-level paper company called Dunder Mifflin. Since my first full viewing, I have watched the show in its entirety once more, and I am currently in the middle of my third time through the show. While this may sound repetitive, I know many people who have watched the show way more times than I have. This led me to wonder why “The Office” has become so binge-worthy.

The answer is quite simple. The beauty of the show is that it portrays ordinary people. The humor of the show is intertwined in the relatable situations of the characters. Everyone has that perfectionist, annoying coworker or classmate like Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) or the incompetent one who seems to have a dark backstory like Creed Bratton, who plays himself. People love to relate with others, and “The Office” is designed specifically to be relatable.

Another brilliant theme in the show is the awkward situations the characters experience. For example, one of the show’s iconic leads, Michael Scott (Steve Carell), is constantly putting the other characters into hilariously uncomfortable moments, whether he is making weird remarks or crashing office parties he wasn’t invited to. The awkwardness isn’t limited to Michael however, as characters such as Toby Flenderson (Paul Lieberstein) have inherently awkward personalities. This awkwardness also leads to a sense of relatability, which attracts viewers.

One of, if not the most obvious attractive features of “The Office” is the humor, specifically the running gags. Viewers, myself included, crave the not-so-politically correct humor from the show, especially today when it is so hard to come by in other shows. For example, “that’s what she said” jokes are an iconic and hilarious staple to the show. Another gag is mostly a one-sided prank war between Jim Halpert (John Kransinski) and Dwight. These pranks include Jim putting Dwight’s stapler in jello, and the iconic scene where Jim dresses and acts exactly like Dwight. These gags have become somewhat nostalgic, and I will never get tired of rewatching them over and over.

While all these features are huge parts of the show, the true centerpiece of the show, the part that moves this show from a great show to the greatest show, are the heartwarming, emotional moments. These are the moments that make you feel like the characters are your family. From romantic proposals to characters leaving the show, these are the moments that hook you in and keep you loving the show. Many actors themselves have said years after the show ended that they still feel like family, and many of them are still very close friends.

“The Office” is one of, if not the best TV series ever. The ability the show has to relate to its audience goes unmatched, as no other show can make you truly feel like you fit right in with the characters. This, along with the blend of humorous and serious moments, makes the show impossible to stop watching.

“The Office”: ★★★★★