The Neighbourhood’s new album is a disaster

‘Chip Chrome’ and the ‘Mono-Tones’ is unpleasant

The Neighbourhood’s new album is a disaster

Bahaja Alisahal

I had never heard about the artist The Neighbourhood, so I was pretty excited to listen to his new album “Chip Chrome” and the “Mono-Tones”. However, I was highly disappointed. 

The first track in the album was “Chip Chrome” and in the first 31 seconds, there were no vocals at all. The music kept building up like there was going to be a beat drop but led to nothing. It just gave off an unpleasant 90’s alien movie vibe, which wasn’t pleasant. 

The next track, “Pretty Boy”, was a lot better than the previous song. It was really chill, there was a nice bass guitar going on and with background vocals it made everything come together. There was this scream at the end, which was confusing. But overall, the song was nice.

“Lost in Translation” was very confusing, at the start it sounded like a sitcom intro, and then it developed to a chill, relaxing song, which I could see myself doing homework while listening to it. The beginning threw me off, why would it start off like that and change up all of a sudden. But, this track was the best so “far”.

As I continued this adventure through The Neighborhood, I stumbled upon his next track “The Devil’s Advocate.” I liked the bass guitar and the drums that started and played throughout the whole song. The lyrics didn’t stick with me. He mumbled some lines, which made me dislike the song.

The Next song in his album is “Hell or High Water”. This gave me Spongebob vibes with the ukulele-type strings at the beginning, which didn’t match the lyrics whatsoever. Although the flow was nice, the lyrics and the music were like night and day, it didn’t make sense, opposites don’t blend well together. 

“Cherry Flavoured” is the next track in his album. it wasn’t as good as “Lost in Translation.” but it was better than the others. It was a little bit more upbeat. Like most of his other songs, something happened at the beginning or end of the song. In this song’s case, three minutes into the song, the music slowed down and an autotune started playing. It made his voice deeper and ruined the whole vibe of the song. 

The next track “The Mono-Tones” ties with the first, “Chip Chrome” for the worst in his album. The song starts off with this little girl’s voice with a subtle autotune in it and I thought it was part of his weird quirk. However, I was wrong, the little girl sings the main vocals for the whole song. I don’t know if it was him using autotune or if a child sang it, but it was really unpleasant and made me feel uncomfortable. It was giving me Melanie Martinez vibes and not in a good way.

In conclusion, I disliked all of the songs in this album except for “Lost in Translation,” which definitely went into my playlist. What I disliked about the album was the confusing moments of each song. Each song had one or more things that didn’t mix in with the song. Even “Lost in Translation,” had one of these moments.

“Chip Chrome and the Mono-Tones”: ★☆☆☆☆