‘Luther: The Fallen Sun,’ a dark thriller
A dark and anonymous thriller
March 8, 2023
Recently, I watched the movie “Luther: The Fallen Sun.” It was a really good movie — it was a very dark and anonymous murder mystery. I really enjoyed the thrilling and anxious points of the movie. This movie was directed by Jamie Payne and had a cast of relatively unknown actors. The main character in this movie, John Luther, was played by Idris Elba and the protagonist, David Robey, was played by Andy Serkis.
This movie follows John Luther, a disgraced detective who is put in jail for some of his doings as a dirty detective. However, he is still following the lead of a massive killing streak by an unknown killer. The murders are different though — they’re all cyber deaths. He finds embarrassing and potentially criminal things on people and tricks and blackmails them, then kills them. While Luther escapes prison and goes on a hunt after this person, who is a man named David Robey, he has to battle not going back to jail and figure out how to catch him — which will be a very difficult task. This movie reveals dark truths and has a lot of action and thriller moments throughout.
My honest review of this movie is that it was a really good movie. Not knowing anything about the premise made it really exciting for me when I was watching the movie. It just has this really grimacing look to it. This movie gives you the rush, excitement and anxiousness that makes you engaged throughout the whole movie.
I also feel like this movie shows a lot of what technology has done to us as a society. It shows how this is ruining people’s lives and the main way for the killer to kill his victims. I like that they included these lessons throughout the movie.
In the 2 hour and 9 minute span of this movie, I was able to get a deep understanding of the characters without getting bored.. They didn’t go too deep into the characters for a change unlike other movies of murder mystery movies, but still made that you could tell who they are as a person. Not rushing but not going slow, it was a good pace where the movie doesn’t bore you.
I also really enjoyed the acting, you get this kind of James Bond-type of character that Idris Elba plays, and he just kills it. He fits the character so well that he plays and fits the role of what an action character is, which for me is someone who faces through a lot of physical challenges that can be entertaining. I also really enjoyed how they portrayed the setting — gloomy and dark London really fits how the movie was portrayed and how it’s supposed to make you feel.
Overall, I thought it was a really well made movie. I was surprised that I enjoyed this movie so much. Being a murder mystery, I thought it would go at a really slow pace but it didn’t. Everything about this movie just seemed so different from any other type of murder mystery movie I’ve ever seen. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie from the very beginning to the very end. I think if you’re someone who enjoys a dark thriller movie, this movie is perfect for you.
“Luther the Fallen Sun:” ★★★★☆