Cut Through the Noise: Khalid, Billie Eilish, IDER (Week of Oct. 26)
October 26, 2018
Welcome to “Cut Through the Noise,” an Entertainment column from the St. Louis Park Echo covering new music releases. Every week, a different Echo staffer takes on the role as writer, reviewing recent single releases from a variety of artists.

Vertigo – Khalid ★★★★☆
Contemporary R&B artist Khalid embarks on a journey of relaxation in his newest song “Vertigo.” Featured on his most recent album “Suncity,” the lyrics intertwine with vocal harmonies that left me speechless. By centering around the excitement of life yet still finding meaning when things slow down, “Vertigo” offers great nostalgic tones Khalid shares with his fans. The melody and chorus showcase subtle hints of the R&B style, continuing the signature experience Khalid fans expect through his music. I found myself appreciating hints of classical string instruments sprinkled throughout the background, new touches that make this song stand apart from his previous songs. The memories Khalid shares may reflect his own joys in life, yet also remind listeners of the happiness and simplicity of everyday living.

when the party’s over – Billie Eilish ★★★★☆
Eilish’s upcoming single “when the party’s over” is nothing short of her signature music style. Dark melodies combined with light, raspy vocals express emotion in unimaginable ways. The song envelops the listener into a period of contemplation, even I sat in silence thinking about the meaning of my life choices over the years. Eilish explores the concept of introversion and the truth behind friendships, a message that can touch the experiences many listeners share. Having vocals and piano as the main focuses in the melody leave a simple and hypnotizing tone. I found myself wanting to listen to it over and over again, slowly becoming one of my favorite songs. While at first glance “when the party’s over” may seem depressing and demonic at times, a closer look can reveal the realities of human interaction and the beauty of solidarity.

Mirror – IDER ★★★★★
At first glance, “Mirror” shares the struggle couples commonly face after drifting apart. Yet IDER creates deeper meaning with the contrasting lyrics as the song plays out. The repetition of key lyrics can reveal the theme of self-love and accepting your true self at face value. The use of a techno style background with folk singing left me with new outlooks on the complexity of the single. IDER builds on their melody and overall lyrics, climaxing with a message of not needing to care about what the world sees. Things happen and people change, yet you can stay true to your beliefs, which is a message adolescents and I need to be reminded of in an ever-changing society. “Mirror” is the perfect song for driving with the windows down, screaming every lyric with your best friends. The song acts as a reminder to enjoy the carefree moments of life, displayed in three minutes of joyous music.