SHEC addresses Donald Trump comments
Club strives for awareness, conversation and prevention
Junior SHEC co-president Izzi Gilbert Burke shares her opinion on Donald Trump’s comments toward women at the meeting Oct. 27.
October 29, 2016
At the Sexual Health Education Club meeting Oct. 27, junior co-president Izzi Gilbert Burke shared her personal opinion on Donald Trump’s comments toward women, and felt supported by other members of the club.
“I shared something that was kind of personal for me and I felt like there was people that were not judging and supportive,” Gilbert Burke said.
Gilbert Burke said the meeting focused mainly around Trump’s comments and the media’s reaction.
“I think that (the meeting) went really well, and I also think that we expanded on a lot of ideas, like rape culture and also how Donald Trump’s comments in the media affect women and the culture we’re in, and the fact that he is a presidential candidate saying vulgar, disgusting things about women,” Gilbert Burke said.
First time attendee freshman Samantha Wolk said she enjoyed the meeting because the discussion was relevant to her.
“(The meeting) was interesting because they talked about a lot of current topics that were intriguing and interesting to me,” Wolk said.
Wolk said discussing rape culture plays an important role in raising awareness.
“With today’s topic about rape culture, I think that bringing it up and having club meetings about it is so important, especially when we live in a society that likes to shun rape victims and ignore sexual assault,” Wolk said.
According to Gilbert Burke, widespread discussion about Trump’s comments could help prevent similar comments from being made in the future.
“It’s important to talk about issues like this because if it’s not talked about it will continue to happen,” Gilbert Burke said. “We don’t want the one side, women, to be talked about like that, and on the other hand we don’t want men to be thinking it’s okay to talk about them like that.”
Gilbert Burke said she felt the meeting resonated well with club members.
“I think that people enjoyed (the meeting) and I think that it was informative as well as interesting,” Gilbert Burke said. “I think the best part was how many people really shared because I’m pretty sure every single person put in their opinion.”
Sexual Health Education Club meetings occur at 8 a.m. on Thursdays biweekly in room B112 unless otherwise specified by leaders.